Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Final Exam Solved Essay
Hahn Company utilizes the level of deals technique for recording terrible obligations cost. For the year, money deals are $300,000 and credit deals are $1,200,000. The board evaluates that 1% is the business rate to utilize. What altering section will Hahn Company make to record the awful obligations cost? 2) Using the level of receivables technique for recording awful obligations cost, evaluated uncollectible records are $15,000. In the event that the parity of the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is $3,000 credit before alteration, what is the measure of terrible obligations cost for that period? 3) Intangible resources. Elusive resources are the rights and benefits that outcome from responsibility for lived resources that 5) The book estimation of an advantage is equivalent to the 6) Gains on a trade of plant resources that has business substance are 7) Ordinary fixes are consumptions to keep up the working effectiveness of a plant resource and are alluded to as 8) Costs acquired to build the working productivity or valuable existence of a plant resource are alluded to as 9) When an enthusiasm bearing note develops, the equalization in the Notes Payable record is 10) The intrigue charged on a $200,000 note payable, at a pace of 6%, on a 2-month note would be. On the off chance that a partnership gave $3,000,000 in securities which pay 10% yearly premium, what is the yearly net money cost of this obtaining if the annual expense rate is 30%? 12) Hilton Company gave a four-year enthusiasm bearing note payable for $300,000 on January 1, 2011. Every January the organization is required to pay $75,000 on the note. By what means will this note be accounted for on the December 31, 2012 monetary record? 13) An enterprise gave $600,000, 10%, 5-year securities on January 1, 2011 for 648,666, which mirrors a compelling loan cost of 8%. Intrigue is paid semiannually on January 1 and July 1. In the event that the company utilizes the powerful intrigue technique for amortization of bond premium, the measure of bond intrigue cost to be perceived on July 1, 2011, is 14) When the successful intrigue strategy for security markdown amortization is utilized 15) If a partnership has just one class of stock, it is alluded to as 16) Capital stock to which the contract has doled out a worth for every offer is called 17) ABC, Inc. has 1,000 portions of 5%, $100 standard worth, combined favored stock and 50,000 portions of $1 standard worth basic stock extraordinary at December 31, 2011. What is the yearly profit on the favored stock? 18) Manner, Inc. Has 5,000 portions of 5%, $100 standard worth, noncumulative favored stock and 20,000 portions of $1 standard worth normal stock exceptional at December 31, 2011. There were no profits proclaimed in 2010. The top managerial staff pronounces and delivers a $45,000 profit in 2011. What is the measure of profits gotten by the normal investors in 2011? 19) When the selling cost of treasury stock is more prominent than its cost, the organization attributes the distinction to 21) Marsh Company has other working costs of $240,000. There has been an expansion in prepaid costs of $16,000 during the year, and collected liabilities are $24,000 lower than in the earlier period. Utilizing the immediate strategy for revealing incomes from working exercises, what were Marsh’s money installments for working costs? 22) Where might the occasion bought land for money show up, if by any stretch of the imagination, on the circuitous proclamation of incomes? 23) In playing out a vertical investigation, the base for cost of merchandise sold is 24) Blanco, Inc. has the accompanying salary articulation (in millions): Using vertical examination, what rate is relegated to Net Income? 25) Dawson Company gave 500 portions of no-standard basic stock for $4,500. Which of the accompanying diary sections would be made if the stock has an expressed estimation of $2 per share? Andrews, Inc. paid $45,000 to repurchase 9,000 portions of its $1 standard worth basic stock. This stock was sold later at a selling cost of $6 per share. The section to record the deal incorporates a 27) Which of coming up next is a central factor in having a powerful, moral corporate culture? 28) Two people at a retail location work a similar sales register. You assess this circumstance as 29) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act forced which new punishment for officials? 30) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act necessitates that all traded on an open market organizations keep up an arrangement of inward controls. Inside controls can be characterized as an arrangement to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Irish American Segregation Free Essays
In the 1960’s and 1970’s there was a variety of sorts of isolation all through the world, especially in the United States. The more individuals moved here the more terrible the isolation became. One specific gathering that I was keen on finding out about was my predecessors the Irish-Americans. We will compose a custom exposition test on Irish American Segregation or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now They confronted a great deal of isolation only for the way that they were Irish and they were not conceived in the United States. In any case, it was not simply the way that they were not brought into the world here in light of the fact that even the Irish-Americans who were brought into the world here were oppressed on account of where their folks or grandparents originated from. The Irish after the social liberties development with Dr. Martin Luther King held a similar kind of development to have the option to pick up their privileges. Be that as it may, it was totally finished with a slaughter in Northern Ireland that murdered 14 regular citizens who were taking part in a tranquil walk to pick up their common opportunities. A considerable lot of the Irish who had moved to American for opportunity were held at indistinguishable norms from they were in their own nation and that was as low class residents. They were oppressed as terrible as the African Americans despite the fact that there were laws that should shield them from this sort of treatment. Numerous Irish-Americans who were being dealt with unjustifiably held fights and appetite strikes however not until things got to the limits was the issue settled and, after its all said and done it was just an impermanent arrangement. Commonly the isolation was utilized in lodging, employments and an extremely enormous part in instruction. The youngsters in schools were dealt with contrastingly in light of the fact that they were not from America. The beginning of the movement of The Irish to the American was for another possibility and afterward years after the fact it was because of the disappointment of the potato crop in Ireland. A large number of the Irishâ€Americans lived in pulverizing measures of neediness and attempted to discover any work they could however with numerous individuals not believing the Irish-Americans they wouldn't enlist them. The Irish were an ethnic gathering as well as they were a Religious Minority Group in any event until the finish of the common war. After the common war as a result of their extraordinary numbers in the north they had the option to change the tides and were not, at this point a minority. They assumed responsibility for government in addition to other things. They went from being one of the most victimized free Americans to having an Irish-American being inhabitant. â€Å"Thomas Beer recognizes reasons why many were biased against the Irish. The American Protective Association expected that the Irish were making America a Papal state: ministers were permitted to ride prepares free in California and Irish representatives had endeavored to subsidize parochial schools with assets from the city treasury. †This is only a little model in manners that the Irish-Americans were dealt with distinctively in America. When they began procuring their privileges back they manhandled that capacity to get the things that they needed. All the Irish-Americans in the public eye were then separated and isolated from society by and by. Since numerous Irish-Americans were manhandling their privileges and setting patterns that made a generalization for the other Irish-Americans, every Irish-American were dealt with that way. They were then back to being revealed to â€Å"No Irish Need Apply†when they went searching for work and the main spot that didn't have that sign posted was the United States Army enrolling workplaces. They couldn't have cared less on the off chance that you were from here similarly as long as you were a resident you could look for some kind of employment in the military. The most effective method to refer to Irish American Segregation, Essay models
Monday, July 27, 2020
Making friends by learning languages
Making friends by learning languages I really like learning languages. And MIT has been a really good place for that. I took a lot of language classes in high school, but it wasnt really something I expected to continue in earnest in college. After coming to MIT I stopped studying languages for three semesters because there were so many other interesting humanities classes I wanted to try out. Then, during my sophomore IAP, I took a Spanish conversation class in Spain through a program called IAP Madrid. It is one of my most treasured memories from my time at MIT and it reminded me why I love speaking other languages. Talking fluently in a language you dont speak natively is a huge challenge, and its such a refreshing change from the methodic math and CS problems I get in my psets. Its also incredibly useful and enriching; it opens you up to experiences and relationships and cultures that you wouldnt encounter otherwise. That semester, I decided to do my humanities concentration in French, and Ive been taking language classes ever since. Last IAP I went to Paris with the French department. Last spring, I took an amazing French class (probably the best humanities class Ive taken at MIT) about the history and culture of francophone Africa. This semester, Im making the journey to Harvard to take a class on Spanish art. Also, over the past year or so, Ive discovered a group on campus called the LCEthe Language Conversation Exchange. LCE is a group that focuses on bringing together all members of the MIT community by making language a bond instead of a barrier. Its primary objective is to bring together language partners: people who have complimentary language skills. So for instance, if I want to practice Spanish, and since Im a native English speaker, I could find a language partner who speaks fluent Spanish and is looking to practice English. You can then meet up on your own schedule, practice speaking a different language, and make a friend you wouldnt have met otherwise. A big part of the LCEs mission is to include people from all parts of the Institute, whatever their affiliationgrad student, undergrad, professor, administrator, spouse, visiting scholar, you name it. Which is really great, because a lot of the people Ive gotten to know through LCE I could have met through literally no other channel. In order to help people find language partners, the LCE has a website where you can make a profile, search for people with complimentary interests to you, and get in touch with people open to hanging out and practicing a language. My profile! The My Contacts section at the bottom is a feature of the new LCE website that was just released (which is why mine looks empty). I heard about this feature a while ago through a friend of mine from IAP Madrid who is really passionate about learning Spanish. He had found a Spanish language partner from Barcelona and was really enjoying conversing with him (he actually was so inspired by their conversations that he took a Catalan class at Harvard the following semester). So I logged in and made a profile with the intention of reaching out to people when the school year started. Of course as soon as the school year started the firehose turned on and I was slammed with work and I totally forgot about the profile I had made. A few months later, I got an email from Luis, a grad student from Mexico studying finance in Sloan who was interested in practicing together. That sounded super fun, and as I hadnt taken a Spanish class for a year and was trying to stay fluent by listening to reggaeton and watching La Casa de Papel on Netflix, it was also a boon to my language skills. Last semester, my junior spring, we started meeting up on Saturday mornings in local cafes to chat in Spanish. Getting to know Luis has been such a great experience, and that goes far beyond language practice. Of course, its awesome that I went three semesters without taking a Spanish class, yet I feel like my language skills didnt degrade and maybe even improved. But also I made a great friend that I would never have met otherwise and have learned a ton from our conversations. Ive learned a lot about Mexican history and culture from Luisfor instance, last week he told me about how the giant parade that just happened in la Ciudad de México for Dia de los Muertos was not a real tradition at the time one was staged in the 2015 James Bond movie, and now thanks to the film its been turned into a real thing. Weve compared Mexican and US politics, national history, sports, and even attitudes towards tourists. Since our majors are pretty different, Ive been able to learn about economics and finance from Luis, and Ive told him about my research and have been able to help out with Python questions. S ometimes we go down rabbit holes and debate the role of an artists intention in the message of a piece of art or if free will can coexist with quantum mechanics. (I fear Im not as eloquent on these topics in Spanish as I would be in English, but I try :D) Basically, I was expecting to get some language practice from this exchange, and instead Ive gotten a really rich friendship. Who knew that James Bond (on the left) actually inspired the DÃa de los Muertos parade in la Ciudad de México (right). Its been such a good experience that weve kept it up this semester, and we still meet almost every Saturday! I also briefly had a French partner last year, but it ended up not working out for scheduling reasons. Recently, especially since Im not taking a French class this semester, I started contacting French speakers from the LCE website. So far I havent found a conversation partner (it seems like a surprisingly large proportion of the French people in the database are visiting scientists, some of whom are not on campus any more, and also Ive only been going one at a time because my schedule would not be able to accommodate an accidental match with a plethora of French speakers), although one person did offer to keep up an email correspondence. But last week, I hit a stroke of luck in my search, at one of LCEs Language Lunches. Language Lunches are the other hallmark of the LCE. The premise is pretty simple. You show up, get free lunch, and talk to other people from throughout the MIT ecosystem in another language. Food, friends, and language practicewhat more could you possibly ask for??? A picture from our first LCE lunch this year! (Can you find me?) Ive been going to Language Lunches for over a year now. Unfortunately they only occur about once or twice a month, but I always have a great time. The room is always set up with multiple tables, where each table corresponds to a languageSpanish, French, English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Portuguese, etc. You go sit at the table with the language you want to speak. The lunches usually last an hour, and usually the moderator of the lunch announces the halfway point so that people can try out different tables if they want. I usually alternated between Spanish and French, or if Im really ambitious I would switch halfway through. At the halfway point of the lunch, its time for some announcements, and then we switch languages! I love language lunches so much. One of the biggest cons of MIT as a school is that it can be hard to meet new people because people tend to be, not antisocial or unfriendly, but just sort of in their own bubbles and disinclined to break through that bubble to make small talk with a stranger. Thats what Language Lunches are all aboutmeeting new and different people who share a similar interest, no strings attached. This semester, I realized that between meeting my language partners and enjoying the Language Lunches, Ive actually gotten so much out of this group that I wanted to get more involved. So I decided to join the group! I have a T-shirt, so Im official :) This semester, Ive learned a lot about how things actually work within LCE. First, the group planning these things is pretty small. Our meetings are maybe 7-8 people, including me and another sophomore who joined this semester. The woman who runs the group is named Jennifer Recklet Tassi, and shes actually a program manager within MIT Medical working with MIT Spouses and Partners Connect, an organization to help family members of MIT students or staff build a community at MIT. That alone surprised meI had always thought of the group primarily as a language-practicing mechanism, whereas Jennifer really comes at it with a perspective of community-building and cultural adjustment. Turns out, theres a lot more behind the LCEs mission than just getting in some Spanish practice. A large part of our meetings has been brainstorming how we can make the Language Lunches better. In the process, I learned that the way Ive been thinking about the lunches is somewhat different from how LCE thinks about the lunches. I always saw them as just a fun way to talk to some new people in another language for an hour, but they were actually designed to facilitate people meeting new language partners. To try to promote this goal, we decided to try something new for lunches this semester. Weve gotten rid of the English table, and instead we encourage people to speak English for one half of the lunch and then switch to their tables language for the second half. The rationale is that this better mirrors the structure of a language partnership and puts more emphasis on the give-and-take of language learningnot only should you get to practice the language you want to learn, but you should also be giving back by practicing your native language with someone else. We also decided to have moderators at each table who could both explain the new format and make sure that everyone at the table felt comfortable and was getting what they wanted out of the event. I got to be the moderator of the French table! And alsoexcitinglyI actually met a potential language partner! I got the phone number of a student from France who is interested in practicing English. Cest excellent! The second thing weve been talking about in our meetings is the rollout of the new LCE website!!! The new home page! LCE has been redoing their website in order to make it a lot prettier and easier to use, and now the changes are live!!! Now for an unabashed pitch: If you are part of the MIT community (in any capacity) and are interested in practicing a language (literally any language), MAKE A PROFILE on our website and reach out to another language learner! Its a ton of fun, a great way to make new friends, and youll get to share your knowledge with others while improving your own skills. On the website, you can search for and then reach out to language partners! (Minus the yellow boxes. I added those to hide peoples personal data :D) Also, check out the language lunch calendar for this semester so you know where to find free food and friends! The LCE has been a big part of my past year and a half at MIT and joining it has made me even more appreciative of the work it does. Its inspired me to give more back to the community in terms of my language skills. I highly recommend that you take advantage of what we have to offer. And if you end up at a Language Lunch any time soon, swing by the French table and say hi! Post Tagged #friends #Language Conversation Exchange #languages #LCE
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay Sample on Ethics
Essay Sample on Ethics Students Name Professors Name The Course The Date Ethics The term ethics or moral philosophy refers to the branch in philosophy that studies the concepts of right and wrong behavior, systematizes the knowledge on this subject, and examines the ways of its practical application. There are many philosophical schools that consider various aspects of ethics. Each of them prioritizes one or another facet of morality depending on cultural and historical context and desired model of behavior that the teaching aims to incline people to follow. In the field of academic study, the major goal of ethics can be formulated as an attempt to answer certain moral questions in order to improve communication between people in different social environments and to stimulate them to behave in accordance with norms accepted in a particular community. From this perspective, studying ethics in class may be considered an important and controversial question as it influences the psychological development of students and imposes a worldview limited by the framework o f one or another moral teaching. In my opinion, courses on ethics can truly change thinking in a more critical direction if the subjects it focuses on were explored with scientific approach. For instance, moral dilemmas should be regarded with such argumentation that relies on evidence-based scientific research and presents many-sided view on the problem. Ethics should also consider diverse cultural context and its specifications in order to answer certain moral questions that are acute in a particular society within a particular timeframe. Furthermore, to really refine someones thinking, ethics must be taught using a multi-layered approach to the problem that is accompanied with real-life examples of how certain moral dilemmas can be solved with the help of moral philosophy.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Importance Of The Motivation Of Workers With Hopes Of...
While studies indicate many workers are dedicated to the task at hand, new studies are being conducted to evaluate how to increase the motivation of workers with hopes of increasing productivity. A professional competency detrimental to productivity is goal setting. The technique of goal setting is used to reward, or provide incentives to employees for their time and dedication. A competency is described as â€Å"Building on prior definitions, we propose that professional competence is the habitual and judicious use of communication, knowledge, technical skills, clinical reasoning, emotions, values, and reflection in daily practice for the benefit of the individual and community being served†(Ronald Edward, 2002). While the list of competencies is important when evaluating an employee’s role, the competencies in a professional workplace help provide awareness and improvement from both the employee and the company while contributing to growth and resolutions. Goal se tting skills are conducive to productivity because providing motivations, employee goals, or organizational goals allows employees and managers the opportunity to appreciate, implement procedures, and contribute to the overall function of a company or workplace. . First, when evaluating techniques to improve productivity, studies have shown increase in production when employees were given incentives for motivation. At my current profession of choice, which is medical billing for Workers Compensation, managers andShow MoreRelatedThe Urgent Question of How to Motivate Employees1046 Words  | 4 Pagesorganization. And their willing to satisfy customer needs, increase and improve productivity is vital for an organization growth and success. Therefore, managers should clearly understand needs of their workers. The aim of this project is to try to understand what can be done in order to motivate the workforce competently. This report presents an example of motivation plan that focused on increasing job satisfaction, enhancing productivity and quality of goods and services and reducing employee turnover. MoreoverRead MoreMotivation at Royal Mail Essay1620 Words  | 7 PagesMOTIVATION AT ROYAL MAIL INTRODUCTION Employee motivation is, or at least must be, one of the key issues for directors, managers and personnel managers. The leader must be able to find the sensitive strings of his subordinates, which can be motivated by influencing them to achieve high performance. The correct use of motivation encourages staff to make more efficient use of their knowledge, skills, and talents. In todays turbulent, often chaotic environment, commercial success dependsRead MoreIntroduction To Management ( Assessment Task )1435 Words  | 6 Pagesemployee performance is determined by a variety of factors. Of these factors, workers ability, the environment they work in and the workers motivation play the most significant roles. But while ability can be trained and environment can be altered, motivation to do and to perform well is often difficult to capture. To address this, many businesses focus on remuneration in the hopes of improving employee satisfaction and motivation and often apply ‘variabl e performance-related pay’ (better known as â€Å"payRead MoreEmployee Motivation and Capitalism Essay1813 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction: Motivation according to Kelley (2014) is the ‘process through which managers build the desire to be productive and effective in their employees’. If an employee is motivated, they are more likely to be productive and generally staff turnover is low. The problem of worker motivation is that workers are not seen as humans, they have a lack of freedom at the workplace and lack of job fulfilment. Taylor and McGregor Theory X argue that there is not a problem with worker motivation, workers willRead MoreThe Principles Of Job Enrichment879 Words  | 4 Pagesachieve desired results. Principles of Motivation are especially important when large amounts of data and it can be a challenge to implement. As these ideas are explored leaders are keen to follow the principles of job enrichment as well, building the processes attainment from the ground up. When we think of the principles of motivation often it is inspirational lines coupled with a majestic photograph hung over an otherwise dreary wall, and it’s true that motivation can come from a lot of places, butRead MoreThe Principles Of Scientific Management2994 Words  | 12 Pagesneeds of workers, employers, and the larger society in which they operate by eliminating waste, improving processes, and distributing products in a fair and scientific manner (Taneja, Pryor, Toombs, 2011). Scientific management is a complicated mix of common sense psychology, scientific theory, and the application of logic to the problem-solving process (Zuffo, 2011), with the guiding principle of profit maximisation (Washburn, 2006). It conceptualises the organisation as a machine and workers as itsRead MoreFunctions And Functions Of Management1113 Words  | 5 Pagesand controlling. However, there is another essential component to the functions of management, and it is the important of d iversity. In this paper I will identify the detailed function of these different components of management and explain their importance. With the most essential components being the planning phase, it is crucial that this particular entity is implemented correctly. With the other functions widely depending on the premise of the planning being successful, the weight of the companyRead MoreEmployee Motivation: Its Influence on Organisations’ Productivity3195 Words  | 13 PagesEMPLOYEE MOTIVATION: IT’S INFLUENCE ON ORGANISATIONS’ PRODUCTIVITY BY OMOLEKAN, Olushola (Bsc Bus. Admin (UNILORIN), Msc Bus. Admin (Unilorin), ANIMN) ABSTRACT Improving the productivity of the organization and the worker has always been the objective of any management philosophy. Of all the assets that the organization possesses, the human element can provide the most variability and therefore require the greatest attention. Employee motivation is important if any organization wishes to fullyRead MoreEssay on Employee Motivation and Performance17868 Words  | 72 Pages[pic] Master of Business Administration (MBA) An analysis of the Effects of Rewards and Compensation on Employees’ Motivation and Performance Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements to the University of Wales for the award of the Degree Of Master of Business Administration (MBA) April 2012 DECLARATION This work has not previously been accepted in substance for any degree and is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degreeRead MoreQuestions On Learning And Leadership Theories1636 Words  | 7 Pagesbehaviors, and ultimately influence organizational productivities. Subsequently leadership paradigms are designs of thinking that are exhibited throughout leadership actions. Therefore, when leadership patterns an area of concern, a demand for enhancement occurs with idea and performance. Leadership paradigms have evolved to navigate the demanding workforce. The phrase â€Å"there is no leadership paradigm†is very difficult to approve. With workers no longer loyal to a specific employer for professional
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Stupidest Angel Chapter 19 Free Essays
Chapter 19 UP ON THE ROOFTOP, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK This is what it’s all been about, thought Ben Miller as he climbed into the tiny bell tower atop the chapel. It had taken ten minutes to saw through the painted-closed seams of the hatch with the bread knife, but finally he’d made it, thrown the latch, and crawled from the top of the Christmas tree into the bell tower. There was just enough room to stand, his feet on narrow ledges around the hatch. We will write a custom essay sample on The Stupidest Angel Chapter 19 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thankfully, the bell had been taken away a long time ago. The bell tower was enclosed by louvered vents and the wind whistled through like there was nothing there at all. He was pretty sure he could kick through the vents, hundred-year-old wood, after all, then make his way across the steep roof, drop off whichever side looked safe, and make it to the parking lot and the red Explorer he was holding the keys for. Thirty miles south to the highway-patrol post and help would be on the way. All of the years after high school and college when he had continued to train, all the hours of roadwork, all the weights and swimming and high-protein diets, it all came down to this moment. Keeping himself in shape all these years when no one really seemed to care would finally pay off. Anything out there that he couldn’t outrun, he could take out with a lowered shoulder. (He’d played one season as a jay-vee halfback in addition to his varsity track career.) â€Å"You okay, Ben?†Theo yelled from below. â€Å"Yeah. I’m ready.†He took a deep breath, braced his back against one side of the bell tower, then kicked at the louvered slats on the opposite side. They broke away on the first kick and he was nearly launched out on the roof feetfirst. He fought to get his balance – turned around on his stomach and scooted backward out the opening onto the roof. Facedown, he was looking down the length of the Christmas tree at a dozen hopeful faces below. â€Å"Hold tight. I’ll be back soon with help,†he said. Then he pushed back until he was on his hands and knees on the peak of the roof, cold wetness cutting everywhere he touched. â€Å"Please, bitch,†came a voice from right by Ben’s ear. He jumped sideways, and started to slide down the roof. Something caught his sweater, pulling him back, then something hard and cold was pressed against his forehead. The last thing he heard was Santa saying, â€Å"Pretty fucking tricky for a jock.†Below, in the chapel, they heard the gunshot. Dale Pearson held the dead track star by the back of the collar, thinking, Eat now, or save it for after the massacre? Below him on the ground, the rest of the undead were begging for treats. Warren Talbot, the landscape painter, had made his way halfway up the pine-tree trunk that Dale had used to climb up on the roof. â€Å"Please, please, please, please,†said Warren. â€Å"I’m so hungry.†Dale shrugged and let go of Ben Miller’s collar, then gave the body a shove with his boot, sending it sliding down the roof and off the side to the hungry mob. Warren looked behind him at where the body had fallen, then at Dale. â€Å"You bastard. Now I’ll never get any.†Disgusting sucking sounds were rising from below. â€Å"Yeah, well, the quick and the dead, Warren. The quick and the dead.†The dead painter slid back down his tree and out of sight. Dale had some revenge to take. He stuck his head inside the bell tower and looked down at the horrified faces below. The wiry little biologist was climbing up the Christmas tree toward the open hatch. â€Å"Come on up,†screamed Dale. â€Å"We haven’t even gotten to the main course.†Dale spotted his ex-wife, Lena, staring up, and the blond guy who had charged them with the buffet table had his arm around her. â€Å"Die, slut!†Dale let go of the edge of the bell tower and aimed the .38 down the Christmas tree at Lena. He saw her eyes go wide, then something hit him in the face, something furry and sharp. Claws cut into his cheeks and scratched at his eyes. He grabbed for his attacker and in doing so lost his balance and fell backward. He slid down the side of the roof and off the edge onto his feasting minions. â€Å"Roberto!†Tuck yelled. â€Å"Get back in here.†â€Å"He’s gone,†said Theo. â€Å"He’s outside.†Tuck started to climb up the Christmas tree behind Gabe. â€Å"I’ll get him. Let me come up and call him.†Theo grabbed the pilot around the waist and pulled him back. â€Å"Close and lock the hatch, Gabe.†â€Å"No,†Tuck said. Gabe Fenton looked down briefly, then his eyes went wide when he realized how high above the floor he was. He quickly pushed the bell-tower hatch shut and latched it. â€Å"He’ll be okay,†said Lena. â€Å"He got away.†Gabe Fenton backed down the Christmas tree. When he got to the lower branches, he felt some hands at his waist, steadying him down the last few steps. When he hit the floor, he turned around into Valerie Riordan’s arms. He pushed away so as not to smudge her makeup. She pulled him out of the branches of the tree. â€Å"Gabe,†she said. â€Å"You know when I said you weren’t engaged in the real world?†â€Å"Yeah.†â€Å"I’m sorry.†â€Å"Okay.†â€Å"I just wanted you to know that. In case our brains are eaten by zombies without me having a chance to say it.†â€Å"That means a lot to me, Val. Can I kiss you?†â€Å"No, sweetheart, I left my purse in the car and don’t have any lipstick to touch up. But we can knock out one last stand-up quickie in the basement before we die if you’d like.†She smiled. â€Å"What about the kid at the Thrifty-Mart?†â€Å"Squirrel porn?†She raised a perfectly drawn eyebrow. He took her by the hand. â€Å"Yes, I think I’d like that,†he said, leading her to the back room and the stairs. â€Å"What’s that smell?†Theo Crowe said, remarkably glad to turn his attention away from Gabe and Val. â€Å"Anybody smell that? Tell me that’s not –  » Skinner was sniffing the air and whimpering. â€Å"What is that?†Nacho Nunez was following the smell to one of the barricaded windows. â€Å"It’s coming from over here.†â€Å"Gasoline,†said Lena. How to cite The Stupidest Angel Chapter 19, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Third Man Essays - Novellas, Films, The Third Man, Lime,
Third Man Henry Graham Greene was born on 2 October 1904 in Berkhamsted in England and was one of six children. At the age of eight he went to the Berkhamsted school. As a teenager he was under so immense pressure that he got psychological problems and suffered a nervous breakdown. In 1922 he was enrolled on the Balliol College, Oxford and in 1926 after graduation he started to work for the London Times as sub-editor and for the Nottingham Journal as journalist, where he met his later wife Vivien Dayrell-Browning. In February 1926 before marring his wife he was received into the Roman Catholic Church, which had influenced him and his writings. In 1929 his first novel The Man Within was published, but his popularity wasn?t sealed before Stamboul Train (Orient Express) was published in 1932. In 1935 he became the house film critic for The Spectator. In 1938 he published Brighton Rock and wrote The Lawless Roads and The Power and the Glory. In 1941 within the World War Two he began to spy voluntarily for the British Foreign Office in Sierra Leone and resigned in 1943 because of being accused of collusion and traitorous activities that never substantiated. He spent the rest of the war travelling widely and produced on his experiences he made The Heart of the Matter in 1948. In 1950 The Third Man was published which was written as a film treatment. So the book became famous after the movie had been released in 1949 and Greene states: "The Third Man was never to be read but only to be seen". In 1975 he separated from his wife and on 3 April 1991 he died in Vevey, Switzerland. The novel Main Characters Rollo Martins alias Buck Dexter, English author of cheap westerns Harry Lime, old school friend and idol of Martins Colonel Calloway, English police officer and observer narrator Anna Schmidt, actress and Lime's girl-friend, feigns to be Austrian but is Hungarian Dr. Winkler, Lime's doctor and present doctor at the accident Colonel Cooler, a friend of Lime Herr Koch, Lime's caretaker and witness of Lime's accident Plot Rollo Martins travels after the World War II to the into four zones divided Vienna to visit his old school friend Harry Lime, who had invited him to Austria to report on international refugees. When arriving, Martins finds out that his friend was run over by car and died. At Lime's funeral he meets Colonel Calloway who states that Lime was the worst racketeer in Vienna who would have been arrested if he had not been killed. At a literary discussion he starts his own inquiry at first with Kurtz who explains the accident but Martins is not satisfied, he thinks Lime was murdered. Visiting Schmidt, she tells the same as Cooler did, but mentions that even the driver was a friend of Lime. After that, he visits the doctor to question him, but gets no information. At Lime's apartment he meets Koch who reveals that he is a witness who did not give evidence. He claims that there was a third man whom he could not identify. Cooler also tells the same story as Kurtz and askes him about the third man, but he has not seen a third man. Schmidt and he decide to question Koch again. As they arrived, Koch was murdered. After this Calloway makes an inquiry about Cooler, Kurtz, Dr. Winkler and Koch. Martins tells him about the third man, then Calloway informs him about Lime's rackets: In those days, only military hospitals were supplied with Penicilin in Austria. As a result Penicillin was stolen and sold to Australian doctors for much money. The consequences were that it causes venereal diseases and meningitis. Then he showed evidences that Lime, Kurtz, Cooler, Winkler and Harbin were involved. So Martins gets disillusioned and disappointed about Lime and he wants to leave Vienna, but he cannot because of the Austrian police. Both think that Kurtz or third man killed Lime, so he tries to find third man. After the inquiry he visits Schmidt and tells her all about Lime and as leaving her, he meets the third man who is Lime. He pursues him to an iron kiosk where he vauished, so he informs Calloway. In the meantime Schmidt was to be arrested by the four powers because of her papers. Martins and Calloway find a door in the kiosk with stairs to the sewer system, which was used for smuggling. Knowing that Lime is alive, Martins makes an appointment with
Friday, March 20, 2020
Convicted Murderer Sharee Miller to Wed
Convicted Murderer Sharee Miller to Wed Sharee Miller is a Michigan woman who is serving a life sentence for murder for her role in convincing an ex-cop she met online to kill her third husband. Now, Miller has plans to marry husband number four, Michael Denoyer. Conviction Miller, 36, was convicted in 2000 of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder and second-degree murder for the November 1999 shooting death of her husband, Bruce. Evidence revealed that Miller met ex-policeman Jerry L. Cassaday on the internet, had an affair with him, and convinced him to kill her husband, who was allegedly abusing her. However, the abuse allegations were found to be untrue. Prosecutors said when Cassaday discovered he had killed an innocent man, he committed suicide. Cassaday left behind enough information to convict Sharee Miller at trial. The case has been the topic of a best-selling book and a television movie. It has also been the subject for several real-crime television shows, including the one Denoyer saw. New Romance Michael Denoyer, 56, first saw Miller on an episode of Snapped on the Oxygen Channel and was smitten. It was something about her eyes, Denoyer said. However, the new couple has some hurdles in their way. Miller will not be eligible for parole until the year 2055, when he would be 103 and she would be 83.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Tense When Using the Subjunctive Mood of Spanish
Tense When Using the Subjunctive Mood of Spanish Learning not only when to use the subjunctive mood, but which form of the subjunctive to use, can be one of the most difficult parts of learning Spanish verb usage. The rules can appear quite complicated at first, partly because the subjunctive mood is nearly absent in English. But learning the tenses - either in the traditional way of memorizing rules and then applying them or by becoming familiar enough with the language to know what sounds right - is essential to gaining fluency. Four Subjunctive Tenses in Everyday Use In normal usage, Spanish uses the subjunctive mood in a single simple present tense as well as three tenses that can refer real or hypothetical past actions: Present subjunctivePresent perfect subjunctiveImperfect subjunctivePast perfect (or pluperfect) subjunctive Remember that, generally speaking, the subjunctive is used in dependent clauses. Which form of the subjunctive is used depends on two factors: The tense of the verb in the main clauseThe time relationship between the subjunctive verb in the dependent clause and the main verb Although there are exceptions, and the rules of grammar in real life are more fluid than is suggested here, the following list shows the most common (but not only) ways in which the tenses are differentiated: If the main verb is in the present, future, or present perfect tense or the imperative mood, and the dependent (subjunctive) verb refers to action that takes place (whether in actuality or not) at the same time or after the main verb, then the dependent verb should be in the present subjunctive. Example: Espero que comas. (I hope you eat.)If the main verb is in the present, future or present perfect tense or imperative mood, and the dependent (subjunctive) verb refers to action that has been completed (whether in actuality or not), then the dependent verb should be in the present perfect subjunctive. Example: Espero que hayas comido. (I hope you have eaten.)If the main verb is in the preterite, imperfect, past perfect or conditional tense, and the dependent (subjunctive) verb refers to action that takes place (whether in actuality or not) at the same time or after the action of the main verb, then the imperfect subjunctive is used. Example: Esperà © que comieras. (I hoped you ate.)I f the main verb is in the preterite, imperfect, past perfect or conditional tense, and the dependent verb refers to action that has been completed (whether in actuality or not), then the past perfect subjunctive (also called pluperfect subjunctive) is used. Example: Esperà © que hubieras comido. (I hoped you had eaten.) These verbs are often the equivalent of English verbs taking the form of had participle. Note that in many cases there are various ways of translating the sentence to English. For example, espero que comas also could be translated as I hope that you will eat. Because there is no future subjunctive in everyday use, verbs in the present subjunctive form often are translated into English using the future tense. Dudo que me compres recuerdos, I doubt you will buy souvenirs for me. Another Analysis of Subjunctive Tenses Heres another way to look at the sequence of verb tenses: If the main verb is in a present or future tense, use either the present subjunctive or present perfect subjunctive, depending on whether the subjunctive verb refers to action (or presumed action) that has been completed.If the main verb is in a past or conditional tense, use either the imperfect or past perfect subjunctive, depending on whether the subjunctive verb refers to action has has been completed (or presumably completed) at the time of the action in the main verb. These tenses can seem confusing at first. But as you learn the language they will become second nature. To learn more about this topic explained in a different way, see the lesson on the sequence of tenses. Sample Sentences Using the Subjunctive Tenses  ¿Por quà © preferimos que Siri sea una mujer? (Why do we prefer that Siri be a woman?) Both the main verb, preferemos, and the dependent verb, sea (from ser) are in the present tense. The dependent verb refers to an action that takes place in the present. No estoy feliz que el presidente haya ganado la eleccià ³n. (I am not happy that that the president has won the election.) The present perfect subjunctive is used because the election is a completed action. Sus amigos consolaron a Pablo luego de que à ©l perdiera el juego. (His friends consoled Pablo after he lost the game.) Because the main verb is in the preterite and its action clearly took place after the action in the dependent clause, the imperfect tense is used to refer to the completed action. La doctora negà ³ que hubiera comprado un apartamento en ese edificio. (The doctor denied she had bought an apartment in that building.) The action of the dependent verb took place (or didnt) at an indefinite time, and the main verb is in the preterite, so the pluperfect is used.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
The Sustainability of Seafood Farms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
The Sustainability of Seafood Farms - Essay Example Moreover, it serves as a measure against which societies and institutions are evaluated, as well as a goal toward which communities and societies should aim. In respect to governance, sustainability implies interrogating existing ways of societal institutions in an attempt to determine to what extent they hearten vicious behaviors. In addition to this, sustainability results to a conscious endeavor to convert the status quo and encourage the advancement of increasingly maintainable models of activity (Dunphy, 2000). Sustainability is an essential factor in today’s global economy. This is because it results to an economically sustainable development. There are several advantages that economically yield as a result of sustainability. For instance, it recounts to the harvest of a self-renewing and specific natural resource, such as fish. Such a yield can be maintained for an indefinite period since it can be supported by the capacities of the fundamental normal system. A sustaina ble society can, therefore, be defined as the one which has adapted to comfortably live within the boundaries that have been established by nature’s limits (Dunphy, 2000). It can be upheld as an ongoing and collective entity since the behaviors and practices that heavily burden the environment have been abolished or reformed. A sustainable development indicates a process of advancements in the social nature of the society, which can accommodate the changing needs of the society, while at the same time integrating social, economic, and environmental contemplations in making any decisions. For any project to be sustainable, it should encompass some features. These features include social, economic, and environmental features. These have better being referred to as the Triple Bottom Line approach (Weber and Savits, 2006). The Triple Bottom Line also known as TBL or 3BL has, in fishing, has captured and expanded criteria and values for measuring the success of any organization ec onomically, environmentally, and socially. The goal of sustainability and the triple bottom line are usually described by People, Planet, and Profit. Economic and social factors have greatly been boosted by fish farming. Social factors have been boosted in that the society has significantly benefited from fish farming (Weber and Savits, 2006). Economic factors have, on the other hand been boosted in that maximum benefits have been reaped from the project. It is, therefore, arguable that sustainability has significantly influenced the Triple Bottom Line of fish farming. Production is the initial step in the process of trade. It can be defined as the conversion of raw materials into varieties that can be useful for human consumption (Marien, 1990). Production of fish can also be known as fish farming. It is the chief form of aquatic culture. It involves commercial rising of fish into enclosures or tanks for food. The current increase in demand for fish has, in turn, led to increased f ish farming. Distribution is a term used to refer to the process of conveying already produced goods to the consumers in the market. There are different methods of distribution existing in the market. This depends on the technological means and levels of progress within the region. An example of a way in which goods are distributed is by Efficient Consumer Response scheme. Fish distribution, therefore, refers to the process by which the
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Hurricane Galveston Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Hurricane Galveston - Research Paper Example Had the people been informed earlier by the government, number of lives could be saved. After the massive destruction at the hands of hurricane, it was decided to build a wall admeasuring 15.6 feet above sea level to minimize the chances of destruction in a mass scale. This hurricane played havoc with the city besides inmates. The impressive thing was their determination to overcome the disaster. Case Study If we turn the pages of American history, we find two horrible hurricanes namely Dean and Felix that caused destructions in mass scale in the Central America. It was also noted that two category five hurricanes took place in the same year and on the same day. The southern tip of Baja California witnessed Hurricane Henrietta. The record of National Hurricane Center shows that for the first time Atlantic and Pacific hurricanes made landfall on the same day. A cursor look at the past events indicates such hurricanes that have taken place with greater intensity which badly hampered th e human lives for a considerable period of time. It would not be out of place to mention here that even the Columbus’ fourth voyage in 1502 hit hard by a colossal hurricane. The worst example of hurricane is sunken 20 treasure ships which claimed the lives of five hundred sailors on board in a nearby Spanish fleet. How can we forget the Katrina in 2005, the most devastating hurricane ever seen by the North American in recent history? You may surely consider Great Galveston Hurricane as a contender of 20th century. Galveston, Texas, in 1900 came to surface as a rising business place for the traders around the globe and a major seaport for exporting cotton to other continents in 1900. Comparatively it has the prominence edge over Houston with reference to Texan coast. Number of consulates Embassies, mansions contributed to build image of this city wherein 37,000 people are housed. Before Galveston Hurricane people and the government were not prepared to cope with the expected h urricane. People and the government were not expecting damages of the hurricane in a mass scale which shaken the very foundation of the city. People and the government thought it impossible that the hurricane will knock down at their doors. The geological survey in the late of August and early September found it across the Caribbean Sea, passing through Cuban and the Floridian territories. The inmates were of the view that it would make its roads to the northeast as soon as it is passed the Florida Straits north of Cuba. A common phenomena and a general accepted notion how tropical cyclones were supposed to treat that come in its way. It was not expected by the residents that it would continue travel to the west. The thunder storm which converted into hurricane past, Florida continues its journey to the northwest of Galveston. You may understand the havoc that played by the hurricane with this that it pushed a wall of water which was over 15 feet deep onto the island that, at its hi ghest point, was only 8.7 feet above sea level. The wind lashes were estimated to be Category 4 speeds i.e. 131-155 mph. As per the calculation a 150 mph gust would have a capacity to build pressure of 100 pounds per square foot. The recorded lowest barometric pressure during the storm admeasured 28.44 inches. (NOAA later estimated that the pressure near the storm's eye was probably closer to 27.49 inches.) The 9th September,
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Chaucer The Father Of English Poetry English Literature Essay
Chaucer The Father Of English Poetry English Literature Essay Chaucer is generally considered as the father of English poetry; looking specifically at The Canterbury Tales we can see that Chaucer attempted to portray a depiction of society as he knew it. It is also evident that he attempted to provide his own commentary on his society. Chaucer distances himself from the comments made in The Canterbury Tales as he tells his audience Blameth nat me (Chaucer, 2006, line 73) if they are to take offense from what the Miller says as it is not Chaucer, himself, saying it, he simply has too repeat what was said. This is a very clever technique that Chaucer uses so that he cant be faced with controversy or come under attack from any one as he has only repeated this tale. Chaucer would have had to ensure that his work did not offend those in the church, seeing as the church was the only place where literature was preserved. However Chaucer still attacks society, and the greed of the church amongst other social issues, by not personally saying it, he skilfully distances himself from the issues he highlights in this tales. Chaucer also manages to tactfully deal with these issues, resulting in highly enjoyable tale, which offers a social commentary on a society faced with corruption and hypocrisy. The Canterbury Tales was written in a time where an audible, social reading of literature (Ford, 1976, p86) was preferred, this is possibly because of the influence that the church had on Medieval Literature. One of the main reasons for this may be due to the church, as they supplied the only form of education, everyone at church would have been listened to preachers, and as preaching itself had throughout the Middle Ages a great influence on other literature of all sorts (Ford, 1976, p85) it is not unreasonable to assume that this is why oral forms of literature were preferred in the medieval period. The Canterbury Tales were written as thought hey were being spoken aloud, so they fit in well with this medieval trend. The language and diction used in both The Millers Tale and The Wife of Bath conforms to a plain, low style (King, 2000, p47). Chaucers dominant sentence structure is paratactic (King, 2000, p47); with a rhyme scheme consisting of couplets of iambic pentameters (King, 2 000, p47). The purpose of Chaucers use of language, allows both tales to be easily read aloud for a group of people, rather than just read alone. Aware of his language choices, Chaucer will have also been attempting to make the background story to The Canterbury Tales seem authentic. The narrator is telling these stories on a pilgrimage to Canterbury, so as we read the tales to ourselves we can get a sense of the pilgrimage, and the way these tales would have been told. Chaucer uses The Canterbury Tales as a social commentary. Through the general prologue we can see how he feels about whole sections of society by making individuals represent whole groups of medieval life (Bunting, 2003, p6). These representations slowly begin to build up an entire view of Chaucers life in the medieval period. The Canterbury Tales is famous for upsetting the social hierarchy. Despite the conventions, after the Knights tale is told at the very beginning the rest of the tales are not told in order of those with the higher social standing, as would be conventionally expected. Certain characters interrupt, pushing their tales over others, making The Canterbury Tale humorous as it does not follow the conventional order as som bettre man shal telle us first another (Chaucer, 2006, Line 21). Chaucer also satirises the medieval idea of romance, through the tales, he satirises courtly love, and how it is portrayed as being the ideal way to create a romance. The Millers Tale, in particular, satirises this concept as it is a parody romance (King, 2000, p73). This medieval concept is often found ridiculed in these tales. In the Wife of Bath she admits that I have wedded five! (Chaucer, 1995, line 44), if this had been a courtly love, surely it would have lasted and the Wife of Bath would not have been able to marry again, out of love for her previous husband. Absolon in the Millers Tale attempts to woo Alison using techniques expected of a courtly lover, however he fails to impress Alison and his efforts go unrecognised. Chaucer uses Absolon to demonstrate just how ridiculous the efforts of the courtly lover can be. Chaucer is viewed as inheritor of a great tradition as well as the inventor of a new one (Saunders, 2001, p5) he stuck to particular conventions of the medieval p eriod, and is work is characteristically medieval, however as he does question some of the medieval literary ideas, and many issues in society he can be enjoyed by a contemporary audience who can read the subtleties of his satirical prose narrative, without him alienating either his own audience or a more contemporary one. The main social issue that Chaucer is seen to satirise in both these tales is the idea that women are repressed. Chaucer seemed able to perceive the genius and subtlety of the female mind in making the best of their situation in life, while still allowing the men to think they were in control (Bunting, 2003, p5). This is perhaps best envisioned in The Wife of Baths Prologue. She mentions her having had wedded five! (Chaucer, 1995, line 44). However she is able to defend this position that she is in as God says that to be wedded is no sinne (Chaucer, 1995, line 51), she also asks when God commanded he virgintee? (Chaucer, 1995, line 62). She speaks out against the church and what they are saying in the medieval period, where women were given two stereotypes, either compared to the treacherous Eve, or had to live up to the standards of the Virgin Mary with her being both a virgin and a mother this was an impossible role model for women to achieve. The Wife of Bath is unashamedly a larger than life character designed to squash the constraints that medieval Christianity have placed upon women.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Stanley Park
City of Kelsey – Stanley Park Project Rachelle Bittle Abstract The City of Kelsey is considering and requesting community input on the propanol of the Stanley Park Project. This project is a park that will cover 60 city acres that will serve community members of all ages. City of Kelsey – Stanley Park Project The City of Kelsey is a community of 600,000 people. Geographically Kelsey covers over 200 square miles and is bordered by a river on one side and farmlands on another. Kelsey has a median age of 32 with a household size of 2. . (Apollo, 2011) The City of Kelsey was incorporated 78 years ago. Suburbs that house the headquarters of a major shipping company surround the City. The major services of Kelsey are the Cities Administrative Services, Police, Fire, Community Services and Development Services. Kelsey has a school district that houses over 71,000 students and employees over 90 employees. (Apollo, 2011) The proposal of the Stanley Park Project aligns with Kelse y’s goals to have to amenities of a big city while keeping the small town charm.They Stanley Park project would occupy 60 acres with in the city limits that would be accessible by one controlled city street. The city has some very important values. The city has Public Trust, Customer Service, Employees and Continuous Improvement as values that they have committed to. Stanley Parks setup has that large city feel. The park would include amenities to suite any community member’s desire. The park would include a police substation, dog parks, Volleyball courts, tennis courts, basketball courts, Aquatic Facility, Community Center and an outdoor area equipped with playground and picnic area. The administration of Kelsey will have to make sure that financially that Kelsey can stay up with the up keep of this project. The project seems to have many great things to offer the public. When presented to the public they will need to make sure that they focus on the services this par k will provide to the communities children and senior population. References Apollo Group (2011) City of Kelsey. [ONLINE] Available at: https://ecampus. phoenix. du/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Government/KelseyCity/docs/CityofKelseyCAFRJune2005V2. pdf. [Last Accessed November 25, 2012]. Apollo Group (2011). City of Kelsey. [ONLINE] Available at: https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Government/KelseyCity/citygovernment. asp. [Last Accessed November 25, 2012]. Lowndes, V. , & Leach, S. (2004). Understanding Local Political Leadership: Constitutions, Contexts and Capabilities. Local Government Studies, 30(4), 557-575. doi:10. 1080/0300393042000333863
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Quran And The Confessions By Saint Augustine - 978 Words
Is it possible for two religions to descend from the same person be so different? Christianity and Islam began with the birth of Abraham’s two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael was born from Abraham’s servant who was later banished by his wife; while Isaac was born to Abraham’s wife and his lineage is what God told Abraham would be protected and is what Christianity believes to be the true descendants of Abraham. The Islamic people believe that Ishmael’s descendants are also protected by the covenant that Abraham had with God. These contrasts propose a significant divide between the two religions, but based on their origins seem to be so similar. The two books The Quran and The Confessions, by Saint Augustine, show the different perspectives of both religions. Although different religions like Christianity and Islam have different perspectives of who and what â€Å"God†is, the roots of these religions are the same. The Quran was written to correct t he way Christianity had been teaching about Jesus and God. Unlike the Confessions, the Quran doesn’t outright say that Allah exists, but alludes to the existence of Allah. The Quran urges people to go and look for Allah in nature and to explore the world that he created. When Allah says, â€Å"And the earth- We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and produced therein every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs)-To be observed and commemorated by every devotee turning (to Allah)†(Qaf, verses 7-8), in this quoteShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam920 Words  | 4 Pagesas omnipotent and omnipresent. Saint Augustine, the author of The Confessions, described God in a very similar way. The Confessions narrates the story of how Augustine converted and his struggles to find his faith. As Augustine grew older, both in age and in faith, he searched for the truth. He concludes that God is The Truth, the ultimate truth (Augustine 48). Augustine says that God provides perpetual truth and that He is incorruptible. In a similar manner, Augustine determines that â€Å"wisdom residesâ€
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Trastuzumab ( Herceptin ) -research And Development
Trastuzumab (Herceptin)-Research and Development Introduction Cancer is the uncontrollable division and growth of abnormal cells resulting in formation of an aggressive tumour. In some forms of Breast cancer, the cells proliferate uncontrollably due to over-expression of the protein HER2 (Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2); a receptor embedded within the membrane of cells, allowing for the transfer of signals outside to inside the cell. Trastuzumab is a monoclonal antibody administered through intravenous infusion, to be taken on its own or in combination with one or more chemotherapy regimens. It reduces risk of the cancer reoccurring or spreading by inhibiting the effects of HER2, and enhancing the body’s immune system. Breast cancer through history Breast cancer has been acknowledged for centuries, with records dating as far back as the ancient Egyptians, over 3500 years ago (1). However diagnosis, research and progress throughout history have been slow due to it being a matter of taboo and humiliation. In 1957 the idea of surgically removing the tumours was suggested by Henri Le Dran, introducing mastectomy to the 20th century; the first scientific step in acting against cancer. Radical mastectomy lengthened survival, however was often declined due to the disfigurement left behind. To overcome this, Bernard Fisher published results from ‘breast conserving’ surgery accompanied by radiation or chemotherapy, which were ‘just as effective’ as a radical mastectomy (1).Show MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Herceptin On Cancer Models And Patients With Her2 + Breast Cancer1735 Words  | 7 PagesHerceptin (trastuzumab) is a therapeutic monoclonal antibody, which is specifically designed to target HER2 (human epid ermal growth factor 2) receptors found on breast cells( Tan, 2010) . HER2 is a receptor protein that is a member of the epidermal growth factor receptor family and is over expressed in approximately 10-20% of breast cancers that have amplification of the HER2 gene (Jatoi, et al., 2010). Herceptin has been found to selectively apply anti-tumor effects in cancer models and patientsRead MoreCompare and Contrast Tumor Suppressor Genes and Proto-Oncogenes1341 Words  | 6 PagesCompare and contrast tumour suppressor genes and proto-oncogenes. Discuss an example of how recent advances in our understanding of these genes have led to the development of a novel therapy that is being used in the treatment of human cancer. Cancer known in medicine as a malignant neoplasm is one of the biggest killers worldwide. In 2007, cancer caused roughly 13% (7.9 million) of the planet’s deaths (Jemal, 2011). This will more greatly affect an aging society such as ours in years to come, andRead MoreRole Of Cancer As A Genetic Disease2893 Words  | 12 PagesCase Study: BIOT 635 Prahelika Reddy ROLE OF ONCOGENES IN CANCER RESEARCH 1. Introduction The idea that development of cancer as a genetic disease was first postulated by Cavenee et al and developed by Fearon and Vogelstein. According to COSMIC (Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer) database, the current list of known somatic genetic mutations leading to cancer is 522. Genes which undergo mutations leading to cancer can be classified into two groups - Proto-Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor genesRead MoreCancer Is The Uncontrolled Growth Of Cells, And Is A Major Cause Of Death Throughout The World964 Words  | 4 PagesCancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells, and is a major cause of death throughout the world. The development of cancer chemotherapeutics began in the 1940s [Shewach, D. and Kuchta, R, 2009] and very early drugs were based on nitrogen mustards, agents similar to mustard gas. Sulphur mustard gas was used as chemical warfare in World War I (WWI), and this led to new approaches for cancer therapeutics. These traditional chemotherapeutic compounds however , can attack cell division in a cancerous, asRead MoreThe Impact Of Traditional Chemotherapeutic Agents On Patients2189 Words  | 9 Pagesabnormality involved the exchange of genetic information between ABL gene on chromosome 9 and BCR gene on chromosome 22. What was remarkable about this was that 95% of patients with CML had this chromosomal abnormality (ROWLEY, 1973). Subsequent research showed that in a CML cancer cell, the fusion protein BRC-ABL functions as a constitutively activated intracellular tyrosine kinase that binds to ATP and transfers a phosphate group to its target substrate protein. The target substrate protein thenRead MoreEssay on New Treatments for Breast Cancer1923 Words  | 8 Pagesof breast cancer in the family are also at greater risk. About five percent of all breast cancers have been attributed to a mutated, or structurally altered, gene known as BRCA1. Mutations in a second gene, BRCA2, contribute significantly to the development of breast cancer in Jewish women. Alcohol, high levels of fat in the diet, and not exercising regularly have also been linked to increased risk for breast cancer (Garber). Three-quarters of all breast cancer patients are not in any of theRead MoreBreast Cancer Treatment1620 Words  | 7 Pagesdeveloped to attend to their specific needs. New research and development in the area of breast cancer allow Americans several treatment options instead of the outdated surgery method. Breast cancer treatment gives some options to choose: â€Å"Treatment options for recurrent breast cancer: 1. Surgery (radical or modified radical mastectomy, radiation therapy, or both. 2. Systematic chemotherapy or hormone therapy. 3. A clinical trial of trastuzumab (Herceptin) combined with systemic chemotherapy†(Natl.Read MoreEssay On Breast Cancer1547 Words  | 7 Pagesvisible tumour bulk followed by chemo- and radio- therapy targeting distant spread. Breast cancer is often hormone dependant, that is, homrones encourage growth so hormonal therapy is also available, depending on oestrogen (ER) progesterone (PR) and herceptin (HER) receptor status (Hortobagyi, 2005). If on biopsy, the tumour is negative for HER-2, ER and PR, then it is called triple negative breast cancer (TNBR). The lack of these receptors makes hormone therapies ineffective, leaving surgery and chemotherapyRead MoreMonoclonal Antibody ( Magic Bullets ) : A Promising Treatment For Cancer1659 Wor ds  | 7 Pagesdesign (CADD) is an exciting and diverse discipline where various aspects of applied and basic research merge and stimulate each other. In the early stage of a drug discovery process, researchers may be faced with little or no structure activity relationship (SAR) information. The process by which a new drug is brought to market stage is referred to by a number of names most commonly as the development chain or â€Å"pipeline†and consists of a number of distinct stages. To design a rational drug, weRead MoreBenefits of Immunotherapy from Advances in Immunology and Recombinant Dna Technology3196 Words  | 13 Pagespast 25years have also used unmodified monoclonal antibodies and antibodies armed with toxins or radionuclides. Advances in the understanding of the molecular and cellular immunological mechanisms and recombinant DNA technology have led to the development of new immunotherapic therapies for disease conditions. Immunology basically involves understanding the immune system and how it responds to various disease conditions. the immune system consists of a number of components. Traditionally, it is
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