Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Prochaskas Stages of Changes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Prochaskas Stages of Changes - Essay Example The stage preparation is different from contemplation. While developing ideas there arise solutions to develop changes. During the preparation phase a long term planning which is practicable is to be considered predominantly. In this plan there must be technicalities to reveal how harmful old habits can be avoided successfully. There must also be certain tips to show how these technicalities can be employed properly. In the preparation stage people must provide more considerations for changes in the life. Anxiety is the killer element at this preparation stage. By employing small steps the anxiety can be counterchecked perfectly. People can arrange a specific time for doing commitments in a very suitable and reliable way. It is better to make a master plan for the utilization of the time allotted to perform commitments. Another way to make the process more vigorous is to tell other individuals about the master plan and its application. People must learn to utilize the time properly i n the preparation stage because the aim to create a change in people’s lifestyle is a long term process. The peculiarity of the preparation stage is that it focuses on the future of individuals in all respects. It also analyzes reliable solutions for future benefits while accommodating changes in the lifestyle of people. Hence this is different from contemplation. The existence of a problem is given more importance in this stage and the plans designing sort such problem must be highly realistic. The expecting change will not take place instantly. It will take considerable time to achieve the result as per the planning. Since this is a gradual transformation the time frame requires to fulfill the desired result is nearly one year. Hence people have patience to practice the solutions mentioned in the planning. It needs tremendous effort which consumes time. Once a plan is prepared to boost changes, then the next step is action. Action can never equalize the change with respect to the planning. If anybody is in action, it provides the implication that he has been processing to accommodate changes in life. It doesn’t mean that the change is over. Action is one of the steps in total changes. By concentrating on action stage one can change his behavior and nature of life style. People utilize time and energy at this action stage for bringing changes in their life.  

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